We are located at 750 Fairfield Road, Victoria, BC, just off Blanshard Street.

The Victoria Tool Library is situated within the traditional territory of the Lekwungen people, as represented today by the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.


Saturday: 10am to 12pm

Sunday: 10am to 12pm

Tuesday: 6pm to 8pm

Thursday: 6pm to 8pm

Entry to the Victoria Tool Library via 750 Fairfield Road.

Mailing address: 780 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC, V9A 4T4.
[ Google Maps ]

If you have any questions, thoughts, or want to get involved, please contact info@victoriatoollibrary.org or join us in person at the Tool Library during our open hours.

Be sure to like us on Facebookfollow us on Twitter and see what’s up on Instagram for events and updates!

Russell Molnar

Michael Campbell

Liam Cline

Sarah Webb

Caroline Weatherhead

Susie Musfelt

Ankit Sharma

Tony Nielsen

Bruce Haines

Want to contribute? Contact info@victoriatoollibrary.org.